Case Study
American ExpressMobile Contactless (NFC) Payments, Program Management Isis Wallet (US)
First ever American Express Network NFC Capability.
NOTE: The ISIS wallet was renamed SoftCard which was then sold to Google and became Google Wallet.
The Assignment
Consulting Smart Ltd was appointed to lead the development and implementation of the American Express Network capability for Mobile Contactless (NFC) Payments.
This was to include the development of a mobile applet, the setting up of secure provisioning channels via TSM and the creation of network capability to process and uniquely identify NFC transactions.

Our Involvement
Our Solutions Team was led by our Principle Mobile Payments & Commerce Consultant who was supported by a Senior Technical Consultant and PMO consultants.
This team drove the development of the Mobile Applet and orchestrated the implementation and deployment of the American Express Network capability for Mobile Contactless (NFC) Payments.
Our Approach
Our Principle Mobile Payments & Commerce Consultant initiated the program and assembled a core program team spanning 4 divisions of the client, the proprietary issuer in the US, the Wallet Vendor Isis, and a number of suppliers. He then put in place the Governance and Workstream Structure for the program which extended to over 160 individuals.
Our Clients Results
The American Express Mobile Contactless (NFC) Payments Program was implemented to our predicted timescales and within the assigned budget.
Fast follower markets including the UK. Spain, Canada, Australia and Singapore began implementation soon after with our Principle Mobile Payments & Commerce Consultant assigned as Mobile Ambassador to mentor those markets. Moreover, the implementation of American Express Mobile Contactless (NFC) Payments in the Isis Wallet was first piloted in the two cities of Austin, Texas and Salt Lake City, Utah and was considered a great success It has since been rolled out nationally.
Additionally, it was acknowledged by the wallet provider, Isis, that our industry experience, technical expertise and willingness to collaborate openly was a key success factor in their own project to develop their wallet capabilities..
Skills & Experience Used
- · Strategic analysis
- · Commercial awareness
- · Stakeholder Management
- · Thought leadership
- · Intelligence gathering
- · Industry expertise
- · Program Management
- · Requirements Gathering
- · Vendor Management
“The Consulting Smart Team came in to assist American Express to develop and launch the first Mobile NFC project (ISIS participation – U.S. MNO collective of AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile) globally for Amex. Consulting Smart were a critical asset to delivery for the foundational development and integration of Amex technologies to deploy NFC including the very first American Express payment applet and payment network specification. Steve Beecroft of Consulting Smart Ltd led the network, applet and specification development programme end to end and he and his team were the key driver in our success.”
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